Miles DePaul

Miles DePaul

Director of Revenue Marketing

Miles DePaul is the Director of Revenue Marketing at Superside, helping bring design services at scale to enterprises around the world. Outside of Superside, you can find him wandering the streets of Toronto, Canada looking for tennis courts, hockey rinks, a lakeside view or a fancy cocktail. Connect with Miles.

Speed vs. Efficiency: Why Creative Teams Need Both
8 min read

Speed vs. Efficiency: Why Creative Teams Need Both

Limited resources, inefficient solutions and this whole AI transformation thing. What's a creative team to do? Demand both speed and efficiency, that's what.
Michelle Martin
Contributing Writer
Consistency and Expertise: Powering Creative Solutions for Enterprise Teams
6 min read

Consistency and Expertise: Powering Creative Solutions for Enterprise Teams

Getting creative expertise and consistent performance are top enterprise design challenges. See how Superside solves these problems to empower in-house teams.
Miles DePaul
Director of Revenue Marketing
Mastering Global Markets With Content Localization
5 min read

Mastering Global Markets With Content Localization

Content localization is more than translation. It’s understanding the uniqueness of each audience and making the entire message personal and meaningful.
Miles DePaul
Director of Revenue Marketing
How To Unlock Creative Capacity and Bandwidth at Scale
7 min read

How To Unlock Creative Capacity and Bandwidth at Scale

A lack of capacity and bandwidth is the top reason in-house marketing and creative teams can’t align and fuel growth. Let’s talk about getting real help.
Miles DePaul
Director of Revenue Marketing
Enterprise Design Challenges? Don’t Accept Them, Solve Them
8 min read

Enterprise Design Challenges? Don’t Accept Them, Solve Them

Capacity and bandwidth, expertise and consistency, speed and efficiency. Learn how Salesforce, Clari, Amazon and others overcome enterprise design challenges.
Miles DePaul
Director of Revenue Marketing
5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring an In-House Designer
6 min read

5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring an In-House Designer

Every company needs design, but recruiting a full-time designer isn't the only answer. See the five questions you should ask to ensure you're doing more than just growing your team.
Miles DePaul
Director of Revenue Marketing
How Demand Marketers Can Gain a Competitive Edge Through Design
Digital Marketing
7 min read

How Demand Marketers Can Gain a Competitive Edge Through Design

Design-led demand marketing could be your company’s secret weapon for attracting and converting new customers – if you know how to do it right. Find out how.
Miles DePaul
Director of Revenue Marketing
How Data-Driven Marketing Can Influence Your Ad Designs
Digital Marketing
7 min read

How Data-Driven Marketing Can Influence Your Ad Designs

It's the combo of left brain and right brain—data driven marketing. We talked to two experts from Crunchbase and Square about how to balance data and creative!
Miles DePaul
Director of Revenue Marketing
Superside is a revolutionary way for businesses to get good design done at scale.Trusted by 450+ ambitious companies, Superside makes design hassle-free for marketing and creative teams. By combining the top 1% of creative talent from around the world with purpose-built technology and the rigor of design ops, Superside helps ambitious brands grow faster. Since inception, Superside has been a fully remote company, with more than 700 team members working across 57 countries and 13 timezones.
© 2024 Superside. All rights reserved.